Carlee Ihde
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Carlee Ihde enrolled at Carthage College

2014 Sep 10

Carlee Ihde is enrolled at Carthage College.

First of all, welcome to Carthage! Hopefully the first week of classes has gone smoothly.

Recently you may have gotten an email about claiming your Merit page. What is Merit? Merit spreads the word about the amazing work Carthage students do both inside and outside of the classroom.

Here's how it works:

If you do something really cool like make Dean's List, go on a study tour, present at a conference, or perform SURE research (and much more!), we're going to make sure people hear about it.

We'll get a list of who participated in an event or accomplished something and then write a short news release and send that to your hometown newspaper. (If you think you've done something worthy of being recognized, just email us and let us know!)

Students involved get an email sent to their Carthage account saying they were awarded a merit badge. Badges can be tweeted or shared on Facebook.

Wait, badges? Yup! You'll get a badge for achieving things (think of it as a REALLY cool gold star) and you'll be able to display it on your Merit page. Your Merit page will host all of your badges that have been awarded to you by the College. However, it's not our page, it's your page, so claim it! Claim your page and add a photo and your own badges.

We know there's Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Reddit, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat and a host of other things to keep track of, so why is it so important to claim your Merit page and add another to the list?

There are tons of reasons why, but here's one of the most important. The first thing a prospective employer or grad school admissions office will do is Google you. Let the first thing they find literally be a list of all the great things you accomplished while at Carthage.

So get out there and start earning badges!