McKenna Rakestraw
  • Music Education
  • Appleton, WI

McKenna Rakestraw participated in a J-Term study tour to Spain

2015 Feb 18

McKenna Rakestraw of Appleton, WI participated in a J-Term study tour to Spain with Carthage College.

"A Journey of Senses in Spain: Music and Cultural Heritage" was a study and performance tour of the Carthage College Choir. Students examined Spain's cultural heritage and the distinct differences between the autonomous regions: their different historical influences, artistic styles, official languages, celebrations and separatist ambitions. They also learned about these differences by leading cultural visits and interviewing the natives of Spain. The choir performed multiple concerts that combined American and global choral repertoire with works in the four official languages of Spain.

J-Term is a special month-long period of study in which Carthage students explore subjects outside their majors or minors, discover new interests, and test their creativity through classes held both on campus and around the world. It's a month to experiment, create and dream. Carthage is ranked No. 7 in the nation among baccalaureate institutions for student participation in short-term study abroad.